Isaiah 40

Isaiah 40:28-31

Pause for a moment and read the familiar verses from Isaiah 40:28-31.

This passage is a declaration of his power and strength. It also reminds us that strength is discovered through our hope in him…not our ministry activity…not our doctrinal purity…not even our accomplishments. Our strength is a byproduct of being connected to our hope. What is that hope? I have the right answer teed up for you, but I have a hard time remaining in that space amidst the “noisy” demands and distractions of life. I’m also flooded by the secular messages of strength that require MY achievement, MY self-reliance, and MY control.

Predictably, this results in feeling tired and weary…prone to stumbling and falling. Isaiah’s words may be 3,000 years old but they are just as appropriate in our cultural context today.

I’m encouraged! The implications of Isaiah’s words are significant! I’m no longer burdened by the weight of accomplishment. I get to renew my strength today by simply acknowledging that he is my hope in this moment.

So, what burdens your heart today and weighs you down? May I offer you the hands of Jesus? He will renew your strength.

Together we hope!

Joel Wharton

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