Psalm 56

Psalm 56:8

Do you have a collection? Lots of people do. Some collections are valuable by anyone’s standards. Some, like mine hold no value, except to the collector. People collect all kinds of things: coins, cars, books, shoes, baby teeth, albums, etc. Me, I’m fascinated with such varieties of sand, dirt, rocks and shells. I’m amazed with our awesome creator whose imagination is limitless and makes fun, interesting, wonderful things full of color and texture because he can. My bottles filled with earth are reminders of meaningful events, places and special people I could tell you all about.

Of all the things, in all creation, that God could “collect,” Psalm 56:8 NLT says, you (God) keep track of all my sorrows, you have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

Poetic language, perhaps, but hear your heavenly father’s heart. Your tears are so precious to him because they are yours. You matter! What touches your heart, hurts your heart matters deeply to him.

In, and out, of this season of pandemic, haven’t we all shed painful tears, tears of loss, tears of injustice, tears of frustration, tears of turmoil because something felt too big and mattered so much they simply couldn’t be stopped? God is not annoyed, uncomfortable, or irritated with you or your tears. He’s the father who says, I’m with you, present and knowing, full of compassion that can never be stopped, ever.

Are you heavy hearted? Cry out to him.

Zoe Hafner

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