John 5

John 5:1-14


When I hear the word miracle, I instantly think of the classic pop song lyrics “miracles happen, once in a while,” from Princess Diaries. 

I shift my focus, after I relive my youth, to consider, yes miracles matter, but why? Do I get to see the reality of miracles today? I can read about Jesus’ ministry and the miracles he performed, but in this chaotic world today, are they real? 

It has been super hard to focus and sit with that idea of “do miracles happen today?” Because if they do, then my pleading for a miracle to come and shift the climate of the world is with a good cause, then my pleading for friends and family to not feel the wrath of disease is with good cause. 

But miracles are not for my gain, for my glory. They are small pictures of God’s glory and Jesus’ mission of salvation. They were relevant back then, and they’re relevant today. Because they allow us to put our hope and faith in situations that would otherwise leave us hopeless. Like this man at the pool, 38 years he was waiting, hopeless. But the miracles of salvation and forgiveness shifted the perspective from just needing to be physically healed, to our need for spiritual healing, something, that without Jesus’ life and death on a cross, would leave us hopeless for answers. 

So, I will still plead and cry out for this world, because if not, I am left hopeless and without answers. 

What miracles are you pleading to God for? 

Maggie Hite
Middle School Director

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