Matthew 6

Matthew 6:34

I remember a couple weeks into the Covid-19 quarantine an old hymn “One Day At A Time” kept running through my mind. 

One day at a time, sweet Jesus
That’s all I’m askin’ from You
Just give me the strength to do every day
What I have to do

I’m a fairly easy going person and typically take things in stride, but the true reality of the worldwide pandemic was beginning to set in and as I watched daily news briefs and heard various opinions on all sides of the issue, worry and fretting began regularly surfacing. 

In the early years of my walk with the Lord, I was taught the importance of storing God’s word in my heart. Memorizing isn’t easy for me but what I have committed to memory, the Holy Spirit has been faithful to bring to the forefront of my mind to encourage, comfort or correct me, when I need it. And in the past few months I’ve been thankful for the efforts I made early in my Christian walk. The day the old hymn was on my mind, I also remembered Matthew 6:34, I smiled and thought, “okay, Lord, I hear you, thank you for the reminder!” The reminder not to worry was what I needed to hear that day. It calmed my heart and redirected my mind to a more peaceful place.

I am grateful the God of the universe longs to communicate with his children, and has given us his spirit and word as a way to hear his voice.

How do you hear God speaking to you? Have you memorized portions of God’s word? If not, why not start today?

Amy Welty
Care and Safety & Security Director

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