1 Peter

1 Peter 3:15

This verse has meant a great deal to me particularly in recent years. It is especially important as we find ourselves in the midst of the most chaotic period in history that I can remember. It is really important to speak words of peace and comfort as we are all faced with varying degrees of anxiety, fear, anger, and a long list of emotions.

Consider how much more important it is to live lives of peace for all to see. When they hear our words, they think they already know what is going on inside us. On the other hand, when they see us behave calmly despite the circumstances, they may actually ask what is different with us. When that happens, we don’t need to be a theologian or an eloquent apologist for the Faith. We just need to be ourselves, telling our own story.

Mine is that Jesus has forgiven my trespasses and given and continues to give me forgiveness and peace no matter what. Include details that show our own vulnerability and faults. This approach can minimize the arguments over theology. They still may not believe, but they cannot refute your own true story.

Are you ready to give the reason for the hope that you have in Christ, but in gentleness and with respect?

Steve Clark

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