Proverbs 19

Proverbs 19

If a group of teachers were asked to create a list of the most common excuses students make, “He/She made me do it” and “It’s not my fault” would be at the top. Children tend to act impulsively, are quick to pass the blame, and often have a difficult time controlling their temper. They haven’t had time to develop self-discipline and are often not mature enough to see all of the consequences that could result from their behavior.

Unfortunately, we adults often struggle with the same issues. Being older does not necessarily stop us from making irrational, impulsive decisions or saying things we don’t really mean. The Bible teaches us that when we fall short, we are to take responsibility for our actions.

By taking accountability, we are then open to learning & instruction. As Proverbs 19:20 says “Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.” First, we must seek God in prayer and listen for his loving instruction. Then we should be open to feedback from others so we can learn how are actions are impacting our relationships. Owning up to our mistakes actually deepens both our spiritual growth and our relationships… even when it is hard to do.

Which of God’s instructions do you have the most difficulty following? Why? Who can you go to for accountability and encouragement when you are struggling?

Dave Brincks

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